With space at such a premium in gardens, wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to have the garden for football, BBQ’s and friends around, as well as being able to have an amazing trampoline too? With our manual lids you can have exactly that.
Designed by and manufactured for Sunken Trampolines, the manual lid is strong enough to have people walking over it yet light enough that the average person can lift and store the panels. Each lid is made to suit the trampoline it is covering, and when combined with the ST range of trampoline, is easy to install.

Sunken trampolines are the only company in the world to have designed an automated residential trampoline lid. At the push of a button, the lid operates like a car sunroof – sliding under the ground next to the trampoline, allowing the trampoline to then lift into place. Designed for outdoor use, the lid is built to withstand the rigours of British weather, and not only that helps to keep the trampoline in tip top condition. it is smart and elegant and a huge asset to the urban garden.